Press Play: Age of Change

A playlist for coaches, clients, and anyone experiencing change and aging..and isn’t that all of us after all? Several genres in here for lots of different tastes. Enjoy during a walk, workout, reflection or writing, a break from work, or getting lost in the moment.

Video: How To Delegate In Your Law Firm

Exploring the avoidance, benefits, and methods of delegation plus practicing through role-play.

Obliterate Imposter “Syndrome”

3-minute listen or read: a simple yet powerful approach to dismantle the myths surrounding this so-called syndrome with a new useful framing: “Rookie Experience.”

Connect With Your Best Self

Take 15 minutes to connect with your best self in this guided visualization exercise to revisit one of your peak experiences. This visualization is useful for anyone experiencing doubt, indecision, uncertainty, or simply looking to reconnect with their best self.

Coaches Conversation

Conversations on life, career and all the weird stuff in between with my friend and colleague Coach Mike Tamayo (CPCC / ACC)